Friday 25 August 2017


There were  promises in the lingering in air about a new game of naval combat from Spartan Games, I thoght no one was really believing them. Now, after a short mail I got from Spartan we can be sure these promises will never be acomplished, as Spartan ceased production and closed, and of course the forums closed with it, including the forum dedicated to Uncharted Seas that had very little activity but sometimes there were newcomers with some questions to ask (surprisingly!)

I am still without a word to say about that, but needed to write some lines about the sudden dissapearance of SG. They made a lot of games, there were kickstarters, beta testing teams, the new edition of Dystopian Wars and Firestorm Armada, HALO, new models and even new factions, and suddenly it all banished in the wink of an eye. I can´t imagine what did they so wrong that caused the undoing of the company.

From my part I will continue writting from time to time about the game I love: Uncharted Seas. It won´t be daily, nor weekly not even monthly but sometimes you will get battle reports, rules, tactics model painting (sitll have an entire fleet to piant!) etc..

Hope we recover soon from these sad news :(


  1. Join the forum at man battle station
    It has a strong naval emphasis

    Would love to see some uncharted seas activities
    As I need to get my ralgard, human, shroud mages fleets painted

    1. Thanks, I'm on the Man the Battlestation forums, I just have little time for forums :(

  2. I will check your blog more then
